Deokon Au-Ag
The Deokon project lies within an extensional northeast-southwest trending pull-apart basin, filled by Cretaceous felsic to intermediate composition volcanics and volcaniclastic sediments, punctuated by dacitic and rhyolitic flow-domes, and a late-stage andesitic domal-eruptive event.
Epithermal hydrothermal alteration and associated oxidation is extensive, covering in excess or fifteen square kilometres. Late-stage rhyolitic dyking has driven a well-developed and extensive paleo-hydrothermal system, with associated epithermal alteration and lode- to vein-hosted gold-bonanza silver mineralisation.
Mined primarily in the 1970’s as a multilevel underground mining operations at both the Main Mine and the Shin Adit prospects on a series of through-going highly silver-gold mineralised, dacite-hosted lode- and vein-zones.
High grade gold and silver samples taken by Southern Gold geologists from the Bonanza Zone include:
- KRS205352: 78.60 g/t gold & 13,000 g/t (418 oz/t) silver
- KRS206270: 53.90 g/t gold & 6,240 g/t (200 oz/t) silver
- KRS206272: 35.10 g/t gold & 3,270 g/t (105 oz/t) silver
- KRS206215: 19.80 g/t gold & 425 g/t (13.7 oz/t) silver